Fees & Charges for government

Transform your fee schedules from static spreadsheets into an interactive online resource. Complex PDF's are difficult for people to search and view on various devices. Our solution converts your XLSX and CSV files into a searchable, user-friendly web-page format instantly that helps your constituents quickly find the information they need.

construction man checking phone for fees

Simplify customer Fees & Charges access

1. Initial contact

Reach out to request a demonstration of the Fees & Charges application

2. Make payment

Make the payment so that things can start moving

3. Get started

Get to work and start converting your spreadsheet to online searchable content


4. Support requests

If you need support, please don't hesitate to reach out


I'm not a business, can I use this tool?

We are only offering this tool to government and business entities at this time.

To register to use this software and contact us for the service setup, you need to use an email address issued by an Australian Government entity e.g. jane.smith@tas.gov.au (State government) or john.smith@council.qld.gov.au

Do you have a subscription/invoice arrangement available?

Yes, it is an annual billing arrangement as the preferred method of payment. This allows interaction between Noxidsoft and customer (government entity) over time where the best support can be offered.

Is this tool difficult to use, or do I need to setup or host anything?


The tool will use a very simple methodology of "do one thing, and do it well".


There will generally be no setup needed for the customer to perform, the tool can usually be used from the day of the first invoice payment. There may be a single day delay pending DNS propogation for the customers unique url creaton.


The Fees & Charges application is a SaaS solution that is already running online, the customer will not need to host the application and a specific instance and URL is provided for the customers use.

Are you open to customisation of the tool for our needs?

It depends. Please make contact via feescharges@noxidsoft.com for a discussion around your needs.

Is there a video or demonstration of the software I can see?

Generally it only requires a screenshare and walk through for the demonstration.

You may request an online demonstration of the tool as it only takes a couple of minutes via MS Teams, Zoom or other conferencing tool depending on preferences.

There is no video demo currently, but if there is enough demand for one it is likely to be created at some point.

Is the application using Australian based servers?


The server(s) for the following domains are located in Sydney NSW:

  • feescharges.com
  • feescharges.com.au
  • feescharges.au

Additionally, your subsequent dedicated domain with prefix is also hosted on servers and services based in Sydney NSW e.g. demo.feescharges.com

If you have any compliance issues you need to discuss, please reach out via an initial email query.